17.-21.5.2017 & 12.-15.10.2017

Austrian Indie Adler Awards 2017:

Best features  (international/national)
Out of Innocence (IRLAND) - Danny Hiller
Night sea journey (AUT) - Tina Feyrer

Best shorts (international/national):
Loop (USA) - Kely McClung
Stella Amore (ITA) - Cristina Puccinelli
Kizot (A) - Clemens Thurn


genre awards (long/short/Austrian):

best documentary:
Axe - Music of the People of a Place (BRA) - Chico Kertesz
White Balloon (CAN/BH) - Nihad Ademi
Leaving the Nest (A) - Aksel Stasny
Homebird - Nepal (A) - Andrea Leichtfried, Simon Spädtke

best drama:
Höre die Stille - Hear the Silence (GER) - Ed Ehrenberg
Father (CAN) - Lella Satie
Studentenfutter (A) - Tamas Kiss

best horror/thriller:
The Wasting (GB) - Carolyn Saunders
Hilde (A/D) - Felix Knoche
Loop (USA) - Kely McClung
Boat People (A/D) - Paul Meschuh

best comedy/romance:
You are everything (GER) - Lena Geller
Stella Amore (ITA) - Cristina Puccinelli
Kizot (A) - Clemens Thurn
Taste of Love (A) - Paul Scheufler

best music video:
Funkstörung - All the Things (A) - Marlene Reischl, Katharina Pichler

special genre awards 2017:

best dance:
Unbind (AUS/FRA) - Mathilde Neau
Beyond The Broken Hoop (A) - Elias Buttinger

best sci-fi:
Little Thief (UK/FRA) - Xavier Guinard
Matrix Begins (A) - Marc Wolf

best animation:
Sternenjäger (A) - Johannes Schiehsl

best action film:
Morgensport (A) - Elias Rauchenberger

best experimental:
IIOII (Iceland) - Rakel Jónsdóttir
Keine Bewegung! (A) - Katha Schaar

national shorts - Public Choice Award
Zwietracht der Hyänen (A) - Alexander Peskador
The Censor (A) - Daniel Krunz, Oliver Teufelbauer

Public Choice Award - runner ups
The photographer, his lover, his sister and her lover (A) - Farhad Bazyan
Das Stundenglas (A) - Dieter Grohmann

Special Mentions for outstanding achievments in independent filmmaking: 
Sand Men (GB) - Tal Amiran
The Devil and the Holy Water (FIN/ETH) - Diego Maria Malara
Don't sell my Guitars (USA) - Lynn Montgomery
Morgensport (A) - Philipp Hafner (best camera)

movie theatres locations - maps (Kinoadressen)

17.-21.5.2017 (
spring edition)

MI 17.5.2017 18:30  BSL - Best long documentary

Axe - Music of the People of a Place
  (BRA) by Chico Kertész
(Brasilian with English subtitles and very much music) 

MI 17.5.2017  20:30  BSL - Best international short films - competition.  
All short films are Austrian or international premieres, films in English or with English subtitles


Cup of Tea  (INDIA) by Jitendra Rai
The Fish (IRAN) by Saman Hosseinpuor
Unbind  (AUSTRALIA/FRA) by Mathilde Neau
             Father (CAN, ) by Lella Satie
Mirror Man (Vietnam/GB) by Vu Nguyen Nam Khue
Cup of Coffee  (ISRAEL) by Nurit Tzoreff-Markuse
Life Journey  (CHINA) by Solax Zhu

DO 18.5.2017 18:30  BSL - Best feature length drama
Höre die Stille - Hear the Silence  (GER) by Ed Ehrenberg
(German with English subtitles -  Austrian premiere)

20:30  BSL - Best international short films - competition.
(English or with English subtitles)
Sand Men  (GB/ROM) by Tal Amiran
Backstory  (GER) by Joschka Laukeninks
Ringo Rocket Star and his song for Yuri Gagarin  (HOL, Serbia) by Rene Nuijens
  IIOII  (Iceland) by Rakel Jónsdóttir
The Devil and the Holy Water (FIN/ETH) by Diego Maria Malara
  Cowboys & Indians (SPAIN) by Emilia Ruiz
The Courtesy of Angels (FRA) by Valérie Théodore


out of competition - world premieres:
  NorMill   by Alexander Bachmayer (AUT/CAN) (English)
  Glaube Liebe Hoffnung by Jolantha Warpechowski (POL/AUST)
(Polish with German subtitles)

FR 19.5.2017  (and Sat 20.5.2017, 17:00)
18:30 Schikaneder  -  Best feature length romance film / roadmovie
You are everything  (GER) by Lena Geller  - Austrian premiere

20:30 Schikaneder  - Austrian public choice and international competition
(German - mostly with English subtitles)

Speechless (GER) by Robin Polak
Christ/el (GER) by Andreas Grützner

Publikumswettbewerb Österreich

Studentenfutter  (Moonligher) by Tamas Kiss (AUT)
  Sprichwörtliches Glück  by Dave Lojek, Steffi Sixdorf (AUT)
Rift  by Christoph Brüller (AUT)
  Zwietracht der Hyänen  by Alexander Peskador (AUT)
Keine Bewegung! by Katha Schaar (AUT)

22:30 Schikaneder - Best feature length horror film (English without subtitles)

The Wasting  (GB)
by Carolyn Saunders

SA 20.5.2017
 19:00 Schikaneder  - Austrian public choice  and international competition

best international documentary 2017:
White Balloon  (CAN/BOS-HERZ) by Nihad Ademi

  Boat People  by Paul Meschuh (AUT)
Aufbrechen (Burst) by Peter Pflügler (AUT)
  Carpe Memo  by Max Koller, Daniel Hager (AUT)
Follow Me  by Dieter Michael Grohmann (BEL/AUT)
(directors will be present)

21:00 Schikaneder - Austrian public choice  and international competition


Hilde  by Felix Knoche (GER/AUT)
Amygdala by Michael Übleis (AUT)
  Sternenjäger by Johannes Schiehsl (AUT)
Sommerhaus by Aljosha Wuzella, Sarah Handler (AUT)

international competition

Loop (USA) by Kely McClung
Stella Amore (ITA) by Cristina Puccinelli

award ceremony Spring

autumn edition 2017)

Do. 12..10.2017 BSL 20:30  TICKETS
Homebird - Nepal by Andrea Leichtfried, Simon Spädtke
Leaving the nest by Aksel Stasny

German with English subtitles and English with English subtitles

Fr 13.10.2017 Ateliertheater ca. 18:30

Don't sell my Guitars
(USA, Austrian premiere)
by Lynn Montgomery (with Q&A)

Public choice short film competition Austria I

Beyond The Broken Hoop
by Elias Buttinger (AUT)
Few Reasons To Dislike You by Sergio Antonio Aguero (GER/AUT)
First Step by Zoe Borzi (AUT)
The Widow by Max Stevanovic (AUT)
The photographer, his lover, his sister and her lover by Farhad Bazyan (AUT)
Nisa by Barbara S.Müller (AUT)
Last Night by Juliana Neuhuber (AUT)
  (all films in English or with English subtitles)

Fr 13.10.2017 Ateliertheater  ca. 21:00 
Public choice short film competition Austria II:

The Censor
by Daniel Krunz, Oliver Teufelbauer (AUT)
Run Baby Run by Percia Antov (AUT)
#GOALS by Marios Glöckner (AUT)
Freedom by Kathrin Steinbacher (AUT)
Taste of Love by Paul Scheufler (AUT)
Zugabe by Homajon Sefat (AUT)

best Austrian feature film:
Nachtmeerfahrt by Tina Feyrer (AUT)  ⌂ 

Sa 14.10. 2017 Schikander 18:30h 


Rauchen verboten by Alexander Baldreich (world premiere)  (AUT)
by  FraGue Moser-Kindler (AUT)

Frosch, Schenkel und Prinzen
by Frederik Füssel (world premiere)  (AUT)
German without subtitles, with Q&A)

Sa 14.10. 2017 Schikander 21:00h
Public choice short film competition Austria III

Matrix Begins by Marc Wolf (AUT)
Das Stundenglas by Dieter Grohmann (AUT)
The farewell of Christian Gruber by Clifford Käfinger, Maximilian Povacz (AUT)
Jedem sein Sterbenstag by Alexander Baldreich (AUT)
Morgensport by Elias Rauchenberger (AUT)
Kizot by  Clemens Thurn (AUT)

Preisverleihung - Publikumspreis

Little Thief (UK/FRA, Austrian premiere, best short Sci Fi) by Xavier Guinard


So 15.10. 2017 Topkino 17:00 
Award Ceremony - Jury Awards

Funkstörung - All the Things by Marlene Reischl, Katharina Pichler

best international feature film 2017
Out of Innocence (IRL, Austrian premiere) by Danny Hiller

(English original version, with Q&A)


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